A Proven Solution for Concrete Slab Failure in the Columbia, SC, Area

If you are a business owner or property manager in the Columbia, South Carolina, area, you may encounter issues with deteriorating concrete slabs on your property. Whether it’s a concrete floor, loading dock, driveway, or sidewalk, cracked, sinking, or unstable concrete surfaces can pose safety risks and detract from the property’s appearance. Luckily, Engineered Solutions of Georgia is here to help. As a specialized construction company, we provide a diverse range of ground engineering services, including poly lifting, a highly efficient and effective solution for addressing problems stemming from concrete slab failure.

Understanding Concrete Slab Failures

Even the most robust and well-constructed structures are susceptible to minor settling and shifting over time. The constant exposure of the earth beneath buildings to natural forces like pressure, erosion, and friction can lead to changes in its physical composition. Concrete slabs, being heavy and relatively inflexible, tend to crack or sink when the underlying soil shifts.

Concrete slab failures are particularly common in buildings constructed before 1950. For structures dating back to that era, geological surveys were often not as comprehensive or precise as they are now, potentially leading to inadequate assessments before construction.

The Advantages of Poly Lifting

At Engineered Solutions of Georgia, our go-to method for repairing concrete slab failures is the poly lift system. This innovative concrete leveling technique uses polyurethane foam, which is injected into the void beneath a concrete slab. As the foam expands, it raises the concrete to a more level position. Once cured, the solidified poly foam provides a robust foundation for the concrete slab. Poly lifting is a preferred ground engineering approach because the foam cures faster than the cement-like grout utilized in traditional mudjacking. Additionally, the cured foam becomes water-resistant, eliminating the erosion issues often seen with hardened grout.

Schedule a Consultation With Engineered Solutions of Georgia

For more information about the concrete leveling solution we offer to commercial customers in the Columbia, SC, area, contact Engineered Solutions of Georgia today. offers top-notch poly lifting services. When you do, be sure to ask about our triple-protection warranty that covers all aspects of our poly lifting service, including labor, materials, and design.

“Engineering solutions provided excellent customer service and able to answer all pre-work questions allowing me the comfort for the extensive work performed. Very professional company and willing to recommend their services in the future.”

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